Monday 25 April 2016

The nishab or limitation bar on cow, goat, ram, camel

1)    The nishab or zakat limitation bar is on cow = 30 cows
2)    The nishab or zakat limitation bar is on  goats=40 goats
3)    The nishab or zakat limitation bar is on  ram= 40 rams
4)    The nishab or zakat limitation bar is on  camel=5 camels

Saturday 23 April 2016

Zakat will not be applicable on the assets

The assets, which will exempted from zakat. These list are given bellow.
1)    Personal land
2)    Mill, factory, warehouse
3)    Shop
4)    Home-house
5)    Under 1 year old beast
6)    Useable clothes
7)    Books, printed materials
8)    Household all furniture, home appliances, oil painting, stamp
9)    Office’s all furniture, machine, calculator, computer and related all parts.
10)                      Home  captive  all types birds and beasts
11)                      The beast and vehicle used in transportation.
12)                      Arms and ammunition
13)                      Rotten able all agricultural goods
14)                      Your Preserved seeds for cultivation.

15)                      Assets that you have gotten and expend in the same zakat year.

Zakat on business industries

Zakat on industries are easy. Anybody who has an industry he can easily calculate his zakat on his industry. From his yearly balance sheet he can calculate zakat.
1)   Earned profit                                       =
2)   Cash  in hand                                       =
3)   Cash in Bank                                        =
4)   Products preserved in warehouse  =
5)   Raw materials                                    =
6)   Raw materials in process                 =
7)   Finished goods                                   =
                                             Totals                               =

1)   Fixed capital(machinery, land, building) =
2)   Goods buy on loan                                  =
3)   Others loan                                               =
4)    Others expenditures                               =
              Grand Total                                =
And thereafter calculate zakat2.50% of the grand total.

Friday 22 April 2016

Zakat on mineral resource

There is no nishab or limitation bar on zakat. If the mine is under control on a person as personal property and he gets the mineral resources from the mine then he must pay zakat. State ownership mine has no zakat. The rate of zakat on mineral resources is 20%.

Zakat is not as like as an income tax or other government tax.

         If anybody determined that, he is giving zakat when he is giving government tax or income tax will not be accept as a zakat. Because government is not collecting it as a zakat or distribute it as a sharia system.

Zakat for who are collecting zakat as staff

We can pay zakat to them who are full time involve in collecting and distributing zakat fund. They are recruited as a staff for zakat collection.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Zakat for creating a beautiful society.

Zakat for creating a beautiful society.
Payment of zakat is the responsibility of the rich in an Islamic society. In addition, reserve the rights of poor people. Zakat is the religious responsibility and Allah’s rights. Zakat has a extra ordinary importance on socio economic condition.
             Zakat purify the assets. Zakat giver pays the zakat to carry the Allah’s order. In his mind, there created a fear that which property he gives as a zakat  will not be accept to Allah, if his determination is bad or is there any problem in the assets. This thinks and feelings inspire him to earn in a good way and purify his assets. Besides, on the way of earning, this is not impossible to a few wrongs or mistakes in the process. If anybody gives zakat with pure determination, Allah will show mercy on him for his small mistakes. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) has said “when you give zakat, then you wash the bad things from your assets.”
            Zakat purify the rich. Craving for money give birth selfishness, greed in human being. Zakat free people from attraction of money and purify from selfishness and greediness. This way zakat gradually decrease the class struggle, exploitation, clash etc. from society and broaden the road of unity, compassion, peace etc. Zakat amend and purify the assets, assets owner, receiver and society. In the Holy Quran Allah has said, “Make them pure and purify their assets, by collecting zakat from their assets”-Sura, Tawba-103
             Zakat reduce poverty. The name of zakat receivers are Fakir, Miskin, slave, borrower are the poor classes people. If we collect zakat properly and as per planning way, we manage their earnings then poverty will be reduce.
               Zakat increase the production. Purchasing power of poor, helpless and jobless peoples are not always fixed. But their purchasing power will be increased if we distribute zakat among them and then poor will buy more products. Therefore, the demand of products will increase more than before. Investment will be increase for solve the demand. Then production; supply will be also be increased. Therefore, sale volume will also increase and profit from production will increase. Through this way, zakat create the purchasing power of poor and then gradually increase the demand, production, supply, profit margin. This producer gives zakat then it return to them as the increased profit. For this reason Allah has said in the Holy Quran “The zakat, who give it to you for satisfy Allah, basically the giver increase their assets”- Sura Rom-39

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Sharia importance on zakat

Zakat is Allah’s order and fundamental. Zakat is the third filler of Islam. After belief, there is Prayer and then zakat. In the Holy Quran, Allah 82 times declared about prayer and zakat .Basically there is no opportunity to make a difference between prayer and zakat. Hazrat Abdullah ibne  Masud said ” it is an order to you to pay zakat and pray to Allah jointly. So, if nobody pays his zakat, his prayer will not be accepting.” Hazrat ibne zaed said,” Prayer and zakat become compulsory combined. You cannot create any discrimination among them.”  Hazrat Khalid bin Walid said” Prayer and zakat is equal. One is not accept without another. So, Islam fixes strong law for this.” Hazrat Mohammad (SAWS) said” If anybody pay zakat for getting prize, he will award prize. However, who denies to pay zakat, we must collect zakat from him by force and then his 1/2 portion of total assets will be taken from him. In the Holy Quran Allah said that not giving zakat is the works of infidels who disbeliefs the life after death. It also said in the Holy Quran that destruction for that person who does not pay zakat and disbelief death after life.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Important religious decree or masalas on Zakat

Now we discuss on several stages upon which zakat will be implacable:
1)    If the asset owner is mad or minor, then his legal guardian will pay the zakat.
2)    Joint venture: If jointly two or more person becomes the owner of an asset then they must pay zakat on their share. If his share and other asset become zakat worthy then he must pay zakat of the total asset.
3)    Zakat on dead man: If the man dead before payment of zakat then his heirs or legal caretaker first pay the zakat, then pay the loan and then distribute the share to the heirs.
4)    Zakat on asset upon to legal caretaker: If any asset upon to legal caretaker, then he must pay the zakat on behalf of the asset owner.
5)    Zakat on foreign asset: If any body’s asset is on a foreign country and the asset is zakat worthy, then he must pay the zakat on that asset. If the government of that country is an Islamic state and they collect zakat from these assets, then you will not pay the zakat. If the asset on a country and owner is outside of the country then legal representative will pay the zakat.

zakat on cow

If you have 30 cow then you must pay 01 year old cow as a  zakat. If you have 40  and parts of this then you must pay 02 years old cow as a zakat.But there is a condition that these cow must be out of your use. 

Monday 18 April 2016

Zakat on goats or ram

Zakat on goats or ram

For every 40 goats or ram we must pay zakat 01 goats or ram, up to 120 goats or ram we must pay 02 goats, for 300 goats we have to pay 03 goats or ram, thereafter for each 100 or extra parts goats or ram we must pay another goats or ram as a zakat.

zakat for human wellbeing

zakat is a system which main aim is to do human wellbeing. we can use zakat fund in some human wellbeing which are given bellow:
     1)We can use zakatfund regularly as a pension system for fulfilling the basic necessity of poor, needy, sick, disable, widow, old orphan etc.
     2) We can use zakat for the poor and needy , so that they become able to reduce their poverty and lead a dignityful life.
     3) Create an environment so that traveller's donot face problems in their travell.

Zakat for human wellfare

1) The person who becomes loaner for due reason; help them free from their loan. Moreover, build a system for their earning so that they do not become loaner.
2) We should build a fix institutional system for marketing, expansion and establishment of Islam so that the base of Islam may be strong. For the reason we should build a develop system for publication, research and training.
3) We can establish school, college, Madrasa, library for develop education and training of poor and needy peoples kids from zakat fund.
4) We can arrange works for jobless peoples and start a regular pension for jobless person from zakat fund.
5) From zakat fund, you can establish hospital, clinic, and dispensary for treatment of poor peoples.
6) We can manage regular stipend, scholarship for poor meritorious student from zakat fund.
7) Zakat fund can do a great contribution for the looser person’s help and rehabilitation in natural disaster such as flood, tornedo, and earthquake.

 It is possible to do a great contribution for poverty reduction and needy people, if we collect and distribute zakat properly.

Sunday 17 April 2016

The role of zakat to reduce economic discremination

It has already been said in the Holy Quran about the objective of zakat that "Property should not cycle on the rich people's circle" Sura Hashar -7
         Allah Knows everything. He knows that as per human's different ability, man's earnings also be different.  The persons whose qualification is high they will earn high and lead a solvent life. But for lower qualification, few people earning will be low and they can not mamtain their life. On the other hand, in society there are widow,old,sick,disable, orphan who can not earn nothing. Allah has managed the zakat as a institutional system for the objective of ensure and fulfilling the basic necessity of these people. Through this zakat system the need of these helpless people has been fulfilled  by collecting a part of rich people income.

Zakat brings peace on society

Through zakat based economics, investment is always high. So the problem of joblessness is always low. Wages  always increases brcause of demand for labour. There is no problem of begger. Society is always free from clash because of fulfilling the demand of helpless and needy person. We can finally say that zakat is the fixed up gurantee of social security for helpless and needy humanity. And also a strong force for economic development, progress through the speedy movement of the economics wheel.

Saturday 16 April 2016

zakat on horse

Hazrat omar started zakat on horse. Before his reign there was no zakat on horse. He fixed the rate of zakat on horse. If the horse is using on transportation, carrying goods and jihad then there will be no zakat for the horse. But if thats not happen on the horse then asper the value of 52 tolas rupa we must pay the zakat on the rate of 2.50% for the horse.

zakat on camel

The nishab or limitations of zakat on camel is for every 5 camel we must pay 1 goat or ram. If we have  44 camel then we must pay 1 piece of one year old camel kids. As per this rate zakat on camel will be calculated.

Zakat is only for muslim

Zakat is only compulsory for muslim, Non muslims are exempted from Zakat.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Zakat on foreign curriencies

If you have foreign curriencies such as Doller,Pound,Diner,Dirham,Riel etc and their value become totally or singlely equivalent to 52 tolas rupa then you must pay zakat.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Zakat on Business dues

If your business dues are not paid then youmust less the dues from your zakat worthy assets. These business dues may be  wages, salary, house rent,gas and electric bill, buy goods or raw material in dues.

Zakat on local currencies

Local curriencies are alway fixed for exchange and use for alternative of gold and rupa. So if these local currencies value become equivalent to pure 52 tolas rupa then we must pay zakat.

Zakat on ushar

The person who gets 28mounds and 5 kilograms agricultural foods on his hand , must pay ushar or 1/10 food as per zakat. The  lands which become cultiable through natural way that means by rain, water of drain,river,fountain , then only that lands ushar or zakat will be 1/10. On the other hand,those lands which are cultiable through artificial way such are using beast, machinery,labour then that lands zakat will be 1/20.

zakat cycle

Increase Purchasing power of poor
Increase demand of  products
Increse  investment,production and supply

Increase sell volume and profit

On which goods you must pay zakat

On which goods you must pay zakat
1)   Gold and Rupa
2)   Cash money
3)   Business goods
4)   Agricultural goods
5)   Mine asset
6)   Cow
7)   Goat-Ram
8)   Camel

9)   Horse

Zakat is the third most important pillar of Islam

Zakat is the third most important pillar of Islam. Allah has specifically stated in the Holy Quran that the declaration of acceptance of Islam of only those persons can be accepted who perform five times prayers and the due payment of zakat. For this reason great caliph Abu Bakker declare jihad against those tribes or persons who refused to give zakat

The conditions of zakat

The conditions of zakat

Zakat only compulsory on those people who are independent, old aged, Muslim man or women and who have zakat worthy asset. The conditions of zakat are given bellow:
1)  You must have full ownership of asset or property
2)   Property must be productive or income generating
3)  Nisab or the limit or  specific bar for zakat
4)  One year time duration
5)  Free from loan

6)  Excess After fulfilling your basic needs

The Holy Quranic verse on zakat

“But if they repent and establish regular Prayer and pay the zakat then they are your brothers in religion. Thus we detail revelations for those who understand” -Sura 9, Repentance, Verse 11,

Zakat is the key of Islamic economy.

Zakat is the key of Islamic economy.
Zakat is a unique system for Islamic economy and society. One side zakat is the social security for poor, needy and disable person. On the other side, zakat is the main source of economic development.
                             The meaning of zakat is purity, gradual incensement, surplus, excess. It is call to zakat when anybody has 7.50 tolas gold or 52 tolas rupa or same value cash money or goods for one year after fulfilling his necessity, then he must pay the money in Allah’s fixed up section at the rate of 2.50. Giving zakat is not pity to poor but it is their right. Allah has given the order to the government of Islamic state for collect zakat from the rich and then distributes it to the poor. Zakat purify and clean the mind and soul of zakat giver, also zakat purify and clean the zakat donor assets. On the other side, zakat helps the poor to fulfill their need and increase their asset.
                             Now it is clear to us that, zakat is not such kind of donation or gift, which is given to poor as a kind, but zakat is the right of Allah’s fixed up persons on the rich people’s assets.

Zakat collection: inevitable duty of Islamic state

Zakat collection: inevitable duty of Islamic state

The matter of zakat donation is not let free to the will of zakat donor, but Islam inspired everybody to giving zakat willingly for the wellbeing of the poor with their assets. Prepare the mind of people as per this objective. After establishing the Islamic state, Prophet Mohammad made zakat donation as a compulsory system through institution, necessary law and  punishment, then build up a fixed system for preserve the poor right.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Zakat is a state and social economic system

Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(SAWS) started zakat as a state head after zakat become compulsory on second Hizri. He makes it a  strong economic system. When he sent his follower Maaz ibne zabal as a governer of Yeamen then Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SAWS) ordered him to collect zakat and distribute it as per Quranic system. For this reason scholar on islam are saying that if any muslim deny the zakat system he will be out of islam.

Zakat on gold or rupa made coin ornaments

If any coin or ornament's  most part is made by gold or rupa then deduct other ratio of the coin or ornament and impose zakat on the part of gold or rupa if they totally become zakat worthy

Zakat on all things completely

If you have all items of zakat worthy such as gold, rupa,cash money,goods or share certificate but as a single unite no one is zakat worthy then if all things totally cross the zakat bar ,thereafter you are bound to pay zakat.

zakat on business goods

Zakat is compulsory on business goods if its value is equivalent to 7.50 tolas gold or 52 tolas rupa. Beside this, nurture beasts in farm, duck,hen,fish, seeds of nursery, plants of nursery, land of housing business, plot, buildings,apartment, house rent.

What things are out of zakat?

       Zakat is not compulsory on land, house,home,buildings,shop,factory, machinery or working tools, office and home equipments-furniture, useable vehicle or beast  used for transportation ,always used goods, house captive birds and beasts. All these things are out of zakat. 

Friday 8 April 2016

Zakat on FDR( Fixed deposit on Bank)

                The person who has Fixed deposit on Bank , if the amount cross the bar of zakat then he must be pay the zakat.

Zakat on share certificate or value

              You must pay zakat on share values  of any company or factory. But the amount which invest on  machinery will be deduct from the share value.

zakat on provident fund

When anyone get his provident fund money, then he must be give his zakat.

when zakat become compulsory?

After fulfilling your requirement, if you have excess 52 tolas rupa or 7.50 tola gold or same value money as a cash in your hand as deposit for one year moon calender, then zakat is compulsory for all coscious adult person. Now as per  present calculation, if  you have 85 gram gold or 595 gram rupa or same value cash money then it will compulsory for giving zakat.

Who is miskin?

                       when disease, over age, physicale disability makes a person jobless or earningless  then we call the person miskin.
                          yes a miskin can get zakat.

Who is fakir? can they get zakat?

            Fakir are those person who are labourous and mentally,physicall sound,strong but for adverse circumstences they become jobless and they have no earning.
             Yes,fakir can get zakat.

zakat for establish islam

we can utilize zakat money for establish islam in our life.

Zakat for free from loan

The person who takes loan for solve his daily necessity and thereafter can not return the loan we can help them from zakat fund.

Zakat for free slave from any circumstences

We can utilize zakat money for free any slave or any captive person from any situation. We can expline the word slave means the person who are captive by any circumstences or situation. 

Can you give zakat to new muslim?

Yes, we can give zakat to poor new muslim for make them solvent.

Is it a correct way to give zakat as a few lungis,sharies.or give some money to poor relatives?

No, because the main objectives of zakat is poverty reduction and make the zakat receiver solvent. We must give zakat as a way that zakat receiver will become solvent next year and next year he wii not need to receive zakat. Personally any body can give zakat as few sharies,lungies,some money but this way you can not reduce poverty. It is possible only when we zakat collect organizedly.

Can you give zakat for marketing of islam?

Yes, you can give zakat for the marketing of islam. Because it is the seven sector of zakat.

Zakat on ornaments

This is bound to give zakat of zakat worthy ornaments. For this reason women has no bindings to get permission from husband. The women who has no earnings or cash amount,then they must sell their ornaments for giving zakat if the ornaments sell  price cross the zakat fixed up limit.

If you get some money or goods as a gift,then are you bound to give zakat?

After getting  the gift , all goods and money become your personal asset then if the money or goods value cross the zakat limitations then you are bound to give zakat.

Can our relatives get zakat?

No ,We can give Sadaqah or donation to our relatives.

Giving zakat for anybody's daughter marriage?

If any one is become the receiver of zakat  then he can use the zakat money for his daughter marriage.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Collect Zakat Organizely.

Though zakat collection is compulsory,then it is very much essential for all of us to collect the zakat in a organized way.The main objectives of zakat is poverty reduction. Make all the member of the society financialy strong and speedy the economy. Society and state has the fundamental rights to collect the zakat and distribute it. If for any reason society and state cannot do the responsibilty, then conscious people should organized for collection the zakat. Because after collection the money,we should distribute the money in a plan way for acieve our main objectives 
Zakat can reduce poverty from society.

Can Musafir get Zakat money?

Question: Can Musafir get zakat money?
Answer:  Zakat's eighth section is Musafir. Here Musafir means empty traveller. The travellers who becomes empty in the travelling way, they can get zakat.

Anyone can donate Zakat for building of Mosque and Madrasa.?

        Anyone can donate Zakat for building of Mosque and Madrasa.?

        Answer: You cannot donate zakat for building mosque, madrasah or street, road construction. Because it does not cover the Sharia boundary, the eight fixed section where we are bound to invest the zakat money.

Monday 4 April 2016

Zakat calculation for Business:Personal and Joint venture

Zakat calculation for Business:
1) Saleable stock, Production stock        =
2) Processed and stock raw material     =
3) Packing materials                              =
4) Loan, which you will get, Dues        =
5) Bank deposit (all types)                 =
6) Cash in hand                                   =
  Total value of the asset                            =
Less the loan ------------------------------------------------------
Zakat worthy asset                          =

Then multiply the amount at the rate of 2.50%

Sunday 3 April 2016

Zakat Calculation on Personal Asset

Zakat calculation: A sample for calculation
Personal asset:
1) Valuable Ornaments: (Gold, Silver)                                                =
2) Bank Deposit: Fixed, Savings, Current Account,
     DPS, special Savings                                                                      =
3) Share certificate, Savings certificate, Bond,
     Insurance, Provident Fund                                                             =  
4) Foreign Currency, F/C Account, Bond, Traveler Check                =
5) Stored Goods                                                                                  =
6) Deposit as a Guarantee which will be returned back                     =
7) Loan which you have given someone                                             =
8) Cash in hand                                                                                     
9) Advance you have- paid                                                                   =    
                    Total Zakatworthy value of the asset                              =

                    Then multiply 2.50% of the value.

Friday 1 April 2016

Who will give zakat?

              Zakat is compulsory to all Muslims who have in their possession completely one year,  seven and half tolas of gold or silver of fifty two tolas or equivalent values  commercial  articles or goods including camels, cattle, goats, industrial property.

The name of the zakat receiver

In the holy Quran,there are the list of the receiver who can receive the zakat. This are given bellow:1)Poor muslim 2)The needy 3) The slave 4)The new muslims 5) The officials of zakat coolection 6) For spreading of islam 7) The muslims who are in debts 8)The muslim travellers  who are musafir.

What is the rate of zakat?

                                                 The annual rate of zakat is 2.5%.

Thursday 31 March 2016

The Meaning of Zakat

Zakat is the Islamic economic system through which rich Muslim’s are bound to donate their money to the persons specified in the holy Quran. The rich Muslim’s can donate their money through the state or organization, which are collecting zakat in an organized way. The main object of zakat is one side on help to welfare works of humanity and other side is purifies the assets of rich giver. review