Tuesday 12 April 2016

Zakat is the key of Islamic economy.

Zakat is the key of Islamic economy.
Zakat is a unique system for Islamic economy and society. One side zakat is the social security for poor, needy and disable person. On the other side, zakat is the main source of economic development.
                             The meaning of zakat is purity, gradual incensement, surplus, excess. It is call to zakat when anybody has 7.50 tolas gold or 52 tolas rupa or same value cash money or goods for one year after fulfilling his necessity, then he must pay the money in Allah’s fixed up section at the rate of 2.50. Giving zakat is not pity to poor but it is their right. Allah has given the order to the government of Islamic state for collect zakat from the rich and then distributes it to the poor. Zakat purify and clean the mind and soul of zakat giver, also zakat purify and clean the zakat donor assets. On the other side, zakat helps the poor to fulfill their need and increase their asset.
                             Now it is clear to us that, zakat is not such kind of donation or gift, which is given to poor as a kind, but zakat is the right of Allah’s fixed up persons on the rich people’s assets.

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